جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية pdf

جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية pdf
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جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية pdf

تلخيص جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية pdf:

من أكثر كتب الدكتورعبد القادر جعفر شهرة وتناولاً بين القارئين نظراً لما يتميز به أسلوب كتابات الدكتور إياد السلس ذا الموضوعات الشيقة واقتبس منه:


لكل وارث نصيبه المذكور بشروطه ، وما لم يحجبه غيره . والحاجب هو من صدر منه الس الأحمر، والمحجوب هومن توجه إليه السهم نقه. والحرف (ج) يرمز لحجب الحرمان . فالإخوالأم مثلا يحجب الأ ولجد وجمع الفروع. والسهم المقطع يرمز للخلاف، كما في حجب الأب لأمه أو الحجب في أحوال خاصة كما في حجب الشقيقة الأخلاب. ولاحظ أن كل من أدلى إلى الميت بواسطة حجبته تلك الواسطة، إلا الإخوة لأم فإنهم يرثون معها رغم أنها الواسطة بينهم وبين الميت. ( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )

توريث الإخوة مع الجد:

اختلف في توريث الإخوة الأشقاء والإخوة لأب مع الجد : هل هو بمنزلة أبيهم فيسقطهم، فلايرث معه منهم أحد، أو هومنزلة أخيهم فيقاسمهم المال، على أن له معهم أوفر نصيب مكن ؟ أما الإخوة لأم وابن الأخ الشقيق ومن بعده فيحجبهم الجد اتفاقاً. ولذلك جاء الخط من الجن متصلا ومقطعا( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )

Attention Each heir has his share mentioned in terms of conditions, and what is not blocked by others. And the eyebrow is the one from whom the red arrow was issued, and the veiled is the one to whom the arrow was directed. And the letter (J) symbolizes the denial of deprivation. The maternal brotherhood, for example, obscures the offspring and the gathering of branches. The crossed arrow symbolizes the disagreement, as in the father’s blocking of his mother or withholding in special cases, as in the blocking of the sister. And he noticed that everyone who was given to the dead by means of this mediation, except for the siblings of a mother, they inherit with her, even though it is the mediator between them and the dead. Sibling inheritance with grandfather: There is a disagreement about the inheritance of the brothers and siblings of a father with the grandfather: Is he in the same position as their father and he overthrows them, so that no one will inherit with him from them, or it is the status of their brother and he will share the money with them, provided that he has the most abundant share with them? As for the siblings of the mother, the nephew of the full brother, and after him, the grandfather veiled them by agreement. Therefore, the line from the jinn came connected and ( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )interrupted

اقتباسات من خريطة المواريث بالإنجليزية  pdf :

Attention Each heir has his share mentioned in terms of conditions, and what is not blocked by others. And the eyebrow is the one from whom the red arrow was issued, and the veiled is the one to whom the arrow was directed. And the letter (J) symbolizes the denial of deprivation. The maternal brotherhood, for example, obscures the offspring and the gathering of branches. The crossed arrow symbolizes the disagreement, as in the father’s blocking of his mother or withholding in special cases, as in the blocking of the sister. And he noticed that everyone who was given to the dead by means of this mediation, except for the siblings of a mother, they inherit with her, even though it is the mediator between them and the dead. ( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )Sibling inheritance with grandfather: There is a disagreement about the inheritance of the brothers and siblings of a father with the grandfather: Is he in the same position as their father and he overthrows them, so that no one will inherit with him from them, or it is the status of their brother and he will share the money with them, provided that he has the most abundant share with them? ( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )As for the siblings of the mother, the nephew of the full brother, and after him, the grandfather veiled them by agreement. Therefore, the line from the jinn came connected and interrupted( جدول المواريث بالإنجليزية )

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